Many Thanks!

​You are about to start a wonderful journey ...

... and M.I.T.A. helps you grow!​

​I know that it can be quite tricky to find your way around, especially when you are starting out. Things are overwhelming, you might not know where to start, and you probably don't have much time per day.

But here is something about you! The reason why you signed up to 'M.I.T.A. Magazine' tells me not only that you are interested in learning a new approach to music theory and composition, furthermore, it also shows that you are THE ONE out of many who actually has the potential to become a great artist because ... you took action!!

Many thanks for that!
One step at a time.

​I'll do my best to show you the power and possibilities of interval theory so that your compositions and artistic quality will go way beyond what the average composer is capable of writing.

In this story, YOU are the hero!

Best always and speak soon,

What to expect

  • ​Exclusive Videos
  • Checklists
  • Guides
  • Tutorials
  • Articles
  • ​Hands-On Training