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October 2021
- Lesson 25 and 26 from the Composition Course went online!
- We are thrilled to share that some new outstanding compositions from our members Hélène, Rick, Olivier, and Alex with you. It’s simply stunning to see and listen to so many fantastic pieces every month! Keep them coming! :D
- We received 11 unique and wonderful entries for the Orchestration Challenge based on Marc’s 4+2 sketch. All participants will have the opportunity to join a special 4+2 masterclass on October 20!
- The 4th module of the Orchestration Concepts went online and completes the teaching materials for now but we’ll add more materials around the application of those concepts.
- The new event calendar went online on your Dashboard. This calendar helps you stay up-to-date and never miss any event or release. We hope you like it! :D
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